Re: 모유수유중 염색은요? > 질문답변

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Re: 모유수유중 염색은요?

페이지 정보

작성자 현대산부인과 작성일14-04-27 11:18 조회3,221회 댓글0건


1. 모유 수유즁 염색을 하셔도 됩니다

이에 대한 자료를 모유수유 에관해 권위있는 사이트 글을 인용하여 다음 과 같이 갈음합니다

Personal grooming while breastfeeding: What are the effects of hair coloring and perms, tanning beds and nipple piercing?

According to theBREASTFEEDING ANSWER BOOK, published by La Leche League International, no evidence exists that the nursing mother's use of hair-care products, such as hair dyes and permanents, has any effect on her breastfeeding baby. When a mother uses hair-care products, some of the chemicals will be absorbed through her skin. If her scalp is healthy and intact, less will be absorbed than if the skin on her scalp is scratched or abraded.

The BREASTFEEDING ANSWER BOOK, 3rd revised edition, states on page 449, "No evidence exists that the nursing mother's use of tanning beds has any effect on her breastfed baby."

It is important to limit exposure so that burning is avoided. Some mothers have reported getting burnt nipples and breasts when using tanning beds. This is extremely painful so be sure to cover your nipples and breasts and use caution. If any vitamins or medications are suggested to enhance the tanning, be sure to check with your health care provider before taking them

There is no evidence that nipple piercing has any effect on breastfeeding. For more information, consult the following article:

Nipple Piercing: Is It Compatible with Breastfeeding? LEAVEN, J


2. 피임약은 용법대로 드시면 됩니다


3. 아가 가 충분히 먹는 지는 체중증가 와소변양으로 체크 하시면 되고 저의 사이트 에 나와 있읍니다


4. 모유 수유 중 일 상 생활을 하여도 무방 합니다


5. 모유 수유 에서 가장 중요 한 것을 울때 먹이 는 것이 아니고 아가가 엄마에게 신호를 보낼 때 이를 엄마가 알 아 차리고 미리 먹이 는 것입니다

시간을 맞추어 먹이 면 안 됩니다 아가가 원 할 때 원하는 만큼 먹이는 것 입니다


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