현대산부인과[엄마와 아이가 행복한] 의료보수표
모성분만 모유수유 스위스산그네분만 질문과답변 골반경수술 복강경불임수술 자궁경검사 전화상담 063)532-5300
모유수유를 위한 산우조리법 개정을 바라며

모유 황달 이 있을 때 모유수우를 중단 하여야 하는지 ?

페이지 정보

작성자 현대산부인과 조회3,215회 댓글0건


J R Soc Health. 1989 Dec;109(6):213-7.

Breastfeeding and breast milk jaundice.


Two Types of jaundice associated with breast-feeding are recognized. The first type is early onset breastfeeding jaundice which may result from caloric deprivation and/or insufficient frequency of feeding. This type of jaundice can be prevented or treated by encouraging mothers to nurse as frequently as possible, particularly if the bilirubin level is rising. The second type is later onset, prolonged jaundice, known as the breast milk jaundice syndrome which is associated with one or more abnormalities in the maternal milk itself. Breast milk jaundice syndrome generally needs no therapy if serum bilirubin concentrations remain below 270 mumol/l in healthy full-term infants. When the serum bilirubin concentration is above 270 mumol/l and rising, temporary interruption of breastfeeding may be indicated.


2 types of jaundice associated with breastfeeding are discussed. The 1st type, early onset breastfeeding jaundice, may result from caloric deprivation and/or insufficient frequency of feeding. This type can be prevented or treated by encouraging mothers to nurse as often as possible, particularly if bilirubin levels are rising. The 2nd is later onset, prolonged jaundice, known as breastmilk jaundice syndrome associated with 1 or more abnormalities in the maternal milk itself. Breastmilk jaundice syndrome generally requires no therapy if serum bilirubin concentrations remain below 270 mcmol/1 in healthy fullterm infants. When the serum bilirubin concentration is above 270 mcmol/1 and rising, temporary interruption of breastfeeding may be indicated.author's modified

author's modified



두가지 유형의 모유수유 황달이 있다
첫째는 생후 초기에 수유량이 부족 하거나 칼로리가 부족한 경우로 먹는 양을 늘리면 대부분 좋아 집니다
둘째는 생후 늦게 발생하여 오래 지속 된경우입니다
건강한 만삭의 아이가 혈중의 빌리루빈 이 270mcmol/1 이상이면 모유를 잠시 중단 하는 하는 것이 좋고
270mcmol/1이하이면 모유를 계속 먹이는 것이 좋습니다 황달 수치가 270mcmol 이상인 경우 는 드믈다
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.


Total 81건 7 페이지
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